Leverage Points for Activists: Catalysing World Change Pt. 1
Intro to practical steps on influencing leverage points and rewiring wealth and power
What if there was a win-win for humanity?
Something that both rich and poor could get behind?
That rebalanced wealth and empowered everyone to not only go after but achieve their dreams?
That created regenerative economies and brought us back into the community we so long for?
That will give us the space to heal our broken hearts and minds as it heals the world?
This silver bullet goes by many names. And it’s not just one silver bullet, but many.
Every day we vote with our money, our time, and our relationships for the world we believe is possible.
What world are you voting for? And what world are you influencing others in your community to vote for?
Are you limited in any way by your beliefs about what’s possible? What we can achieve together and in what timescale?
The goal of this article is for you to have all the info as you are influencing yourself and others to take action. To know the difference between actions that uphold the old, broken, and harmful system — and can damage our efforts — and actions that create new, helpful, regenerative and harmonious ones.
Want to be a high leverage person? Here’s something that might be news: you already are.
This is a matter of maximising your impact while minimising harm. Being a force multiplier for all the good you already do in the world.
So let’s learn to hack some leverage points and catalyse change together.
The better world you imagine IS possible.
In fact, it’s inevitable.
Up next is a series of three articles on what you need to know:
First: Understanding leverage points, influence, and scale
Then: How to stop putting *all* of our efforts in the wrong direction.
Next: How we redirect our actions and energy, and influence others to follow suit, to create the new lives and world we want with the help of game theory, network effects, and high leverage system hacking
Finally: How this all plays out, what it means, and next steps.